Navy MAS Codes
Administrative MAS Codes AAP Admin action pending which may preclude mob ACB Not selected for continuation ACR Conditional release from the Navy Reserves AFP Security Clearance Issue AKE Key state/local employee APB Enlisted probationary drill status (UNSAT) ARR Retirement request submitted or pending approval AS1 Affil. within 7-12 mos from RELACDU – 12 mos defer AS2 Within 6 months of HYT AS3 Member is single parent (non-custodial); no FCP ASD Member has active/reserve spouse needing FCP ASF Member ineligible for force protection duties ASO Sole surviving son/daughter ASP Member single parent/guardian needing FCP AUP Unsatisfactory driller MPT Two PFA failures in the past three years TS1 Affil. within 6 mos from RELACDU – 24 mos defer Medical / Dental MAS Codes MDF Dental Class IV MDT Dental Class III MNN Not physically qualified for deployment OCONUS MPC Pregnant MPP Non-deployable mother, child < 12 months old MPQ Temp. not physically qualified for Mobilization MS1 Temp not phys...