
 Retirement Calculators

These tools are use to preform calculations. You will be provided approximate compensation based on your personalized inputs.

  • BRS Comparison Calculator - This calculator provides a comparison between the Legacy High-3 vs. the Blended Retirement System (BRS).

  • High-36 Calculator - This calculator estimates your retirement pay flow under the High-36 Year Average retirement system. 

  • CBS/REDUX Comparison Calculator - This calculator will give you a comparison between High-3 vs. CSB/REDUX Retirement Plans.

  • CSB-REDUX Calculator - This calculator estimates your retirement pay flow under the CSB/REDUX retirement system. 

  • RMC Calculator - RMC represents a basic level of compensation which every service member receives, directly or indirectly, in-cash or in-kind, and which is common to all military personnel based on their pay grade, years of service, and family size.

  • Final Pay Calculator - This calculator estimates your retirement pay flow under the Final Pay retirement system. 

  • SCAADL Calculator - This special monthly compensation is for eligible catastrophically injured or ill Service members who require assistance with activities of daily living or who are at a high risk for personal safety and cannot live independently in the community without caregiver support.

Navy Benefits Calculator

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Military OneSource

Navy BRS Resource Page

Report to Congress: Implementation Plan for Modernizing the Military Retirement System, March 2016

Enlisted Retirements / Officer Retirements


Favorable Separations

Blended Retirement System

BRS Training

Understanding the Military Retirement System

Goat Locker Retirement Resources